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Η Κρατική Ορχήστρα Θεσσαλονίκης, συνεχίζοντας τη μακρά παράδοση στη συνοδεία ταινιών βωβού κινηματογράφου, διοργανώνει μια συναυλία σε συνεργασία με το Ινστιτούτο Goethe Θεσσαλονίκης, προβάλλοντας και συνοδεύοντας μουσικά τη βωβή κινηματογραφική ταινία Metropolis. Η ταινία σκηνοθετήθηκε από τον Fritz Lang το 1927 στη Γερμανία και αποτέλεσε σταθμό στην ιστορία του βωβού κινηματογράφου, τόσο για τα επιβλητικά εφέ και σκηνικά που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν, όσο και για τα πολιτικά μηνύματα. Η θεματολογία της εντάσσεται στον χώρο της επιστημονικής φαντασία, τοποθετείται χρονικά στο μέλλον και εμπνέεται από το διαχρονικό θέμα της αέναης πάλης των τάξεων. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, πραγματεύεται μια κοινωνία ταξικά διαχωρισμένη, με ανισότητες, που διεκδικεί καλύτερη μεταχείριση των χαμηλών οικονομικών στρωμάτων. |
Κρατική Ορχήστρα Θεσσαλονίκης Helmut Imig Διεύθυνση Ορχήστρας |
*Οι προσκλήσεις είναι μια ευγενική χορηγία των Kinetophone, του FilmPhilharmonie και του Goethe- Institut
Fritz Lang’s motion picture METROPOLIS is without doubt famous testimony of German silent film art, a testimony that made history. The combination of motion picture and architecture: this is above all and still METROPOLIS. For decades, the restoration and reconstruction of the film has been taking place. The film archives of many different countries have attempted finding the missing parts of the film. Those that were found, lack the original picture quality. The Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Foundation and the Federal Archives, in cooperation with the members of the Cinematic Association, have reconstructed the film as closely as possible to the original work. METROPOLIS was awarded with a place in the “Memory of the World” by UNESCO.
It all started in Buenos Aires in 2008. The METROPOLIS restoration project, which attracted international attention, began with the surprise discovery of a long-forgotten unique version of the film, including scenes that were previously believed lost. It is these new parts that sets METROPOLIS apart from the earlier, substantially shorter 1988 and 2001 versions. Against the breath-taking science fiction background, the human element has been given a more prominent role, adding a different slant to the storyline.
The music plays a crucial role in the reconstructed montage of the premiere version, the primary source being the original score by Gottfried Huppertz. The movie will be presented with Huppertz’s original score, conducted by Helmut Imig. With its frantic modernist rhythms and liturgical and medieval resonances, the music turns the film into an operatic, bigger-than-life experience.
Fritz Lang’s world famous METROPOLIS is set in the future. Johann Fredersen is a despotic ruler of METROPOLIS, a subterranean gigantic high-tech town with indentured servants. When his son, Freder, visits the catacombs, he is witness to the subordination and ruthless and inhumane serfdom taking place. He becomes a rebel against his father and fighter for equality and justice. In the catacombs he meets Maria, a young woman who preaches the virtues of love and reconciliation to the serfs. As Fredersen discovers Maria, he conjures up a sinister plan. He commissions the scientist Rotwang to develop a robot identical to Maria in order to gain influence over the workers. The plan is a success, yet Freder and Maria are able to hinder the catastrophe in the last minute. The mass hysteria begins to direct its rage toward the robot Maria, who is burned at the stake. Freder and Maria form a new community among the classes. Fredersen offers his hand in reconciliation, true to the motto of the film: “the mediator between the hand and the brain must be the heart”.