Music Composed by DISASTERPEACE
Under the Silver Lake is an upcoming neo-noir comedy drama directed by David Robert Mitchell (It Follows). The film follows Sam (Andrew Garfield), a charming yet aimless man who falls in love with his neighbor. Following her mysterious disappearance, Sam becomes an unwitting detective combing through the dark streets of Los Angeles in search of any clues he can find about his neighbor. Sam soon finds himself in over his head as he uncovers a grim conspiracy involving the powerful forces woven into daily life.
Under the Silver Lake will be released worldwide this August.
For scoring duties on Under the Silver Lake, David Robert Mitchell turned to previous collaborator Rich Vreeland aka Disasterpeace.
Their second collaboration following the 2014 critical horror hit It Follows, Under the Silver Lake brings both director Mitchell and Disasterpeace into unexpected territory. Disasterpeace, best known for his synth-driven work, instead chose to compose the score with the use a full orchestra. The end result lends the film a distinct Hitchcockian, Bernard Hermann-like thriller vibe as Sam falls down the rabbit hole into the mystical side of the City of Angels.
In addition to Disasterpeace’s score, the soundtrack will feature several needle drops from the film such as “Never My Love” by The Association, a new cover of “To Sir with Love” and the original song “Turning Teeth” by Jesus & the Brides of Dracula produced exclusively for the film. Two tracks by R.E.M. – “What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?” and “Strange Currencies” are also on the list!
Milan Music is proud to be releasing the soundtrack to Under the Silver Lake on digital platforms and as a double CD this summer!
Disc 1:
1. The Curse of Edendale
2. Unknowable Things
3. A Junction
4. Dependable as Sunshine
5. Dependable as Moonshine
6. The Reverse Trojan
7. Turning Teeth – Jesus & The Brides of Dracula
8. Welcome to Purgatory
9. Silhouette
10. A Beautiful Spectre, A Pattern of Glances
11. Beware the Dog Killer
12. The Cult of the Whale, & Other Tales
13. Shadows
14. The Accomplice
15. To Sir With Love – Meek Bride & Her Band
16. What’s The Frequency, Kenneth? – R.E.M.
17. Seventy-Six
Disc 2:
1. A Birdwatcher
2. An Escort
3. Dracula’s Code
4. An Excursion in Griffith Park
5. Through the Looking-Tubes
6. A Dead Carrier of Dreams
7. The Owl’s Kiss
8. A Blessed Creature
9. Floating on the Periphery
10. The Centerfold
11. Jefferson’s Legend
12. How to Bury a Billionaire
13. The White Rabbit
14. Make the Best of It
15. Hills of Gold
16. Never My Love – The Association
17. Inconclusion
18. Strange Currencies – R.E.M.